

前端工程师 | Trying To Do Better

Issue 6 - Merry Christmas


The cover image is from the Christmas tree made at home on Christmas Eve and the must-watch movie "Home Alone"

Tracing the shadow of the heart means that the footsteps of the soul flow with the shadow, recording, tracing, and reflecting on one's inner world. At the same time, interesting information seen every week is recommended.


We Wish You Merry Christmas~~~

2024 OKR#

Looking back on this year 2023, there were plans but none were realized. The only progress is probably learning Next.js and getting some stars for a few projects, so it's not a complete failure.

Not much activity this week, mainly fixing bugs🐛. I took the opportunity to write down the 2024 OKR while at work. Compared to the previous content, the biggest change is to set the goal for the whole year, such as running 500KM in a year, instead of writing 3KM every day. This way, I won't lose motivation because of daily uncompleted tasks.

A total of 6 objectives have been set, using the Vision software to record the completion rate, and some rewards🏆 have been set to motivate myself.

Next year, I will be 30 years old. It is said that 30 is the age of standing on one's own. In today's society, how many people can stand on their own without the help of their families or good luck? I hope the goals I have set can help me "stand up" better in my thirties.

Write an article when it's over 50 weeks of weekly in December next year.

Adding Dark Mode to Weekly#

When working at the company, the lighting on the top is too bright. When WebStorm uses a light theme, it feels a bit dazzling. After switching to dark mode and viewing the weekly, it doesn't adapt to the dark theme, which seems a bit abrupt. So I adapted the dark mode.

The project uses shadcn/ui and next-themes. After selecting the theme color, it can quickly adapt to the dark mode.


The overall effect looks pretty good.

I saw the debate about dark mode and light mode on V2EX. The mainstream recommends using light mode. If the indoor lighting is too strong, you can lower the brightness and contrast of the monitor. I tried this and it really works. I don't have the feeling of being blinded by brightness like before.

React Native#

In my spare time, I also learned React Native with YouTube blogger - Codevolution. I also learned Next.js from him this year. Although I just finished watching the video, Next.js has updated 13 major versions, and there are too many changes, but the basic ideas are still the same.

After learning, I will create a book, movie, and music recording app.

Christmas Carol#

Of course, I listened to the Christmas Carol on Christmas. The first time I heard it seems to be at university when I had a Christmas dinner with my roommates. This song was playing in the restaurant. At that time, I didn't recognize it as a song by Eason Chan. Time really flies. It's been 7 years since graduation. We had a reunion in October this year. My roommates are all very good. There is no atmosphere of comparison and intrigue.


isno/theByteBook: ⭐ Open source publications. In-depth explanation of cloud-native technologies such as kernel networking, Kubernetes, Service Mesh, containers, etc.

🎬 Books, Movies, and Music#

Currently reading: Autobiography|"Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future"

Currently reading: Psychology|"Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life"

Watched: Movie|"Home Alone"

🎮 Games#

Looking forward to "Black Myth: Wukong"

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